We are working on fractions in Math class right now. Students are doing very well with this. Students who have picked up on the concepts quickly have been teaching other students how to solve the problems. It is nice to see how well they work together to help each other!
OAA family Night. The 3rd and 4th grade teachers are hosting an OAA Family night tomorrow at 6:00. We will meet first in the gymnasium with a short introduction and then students will complete some OAA scavenger hunt questions throughout the building. At the conclusion, families will be invited to enjoy some cookies and drinks. Its not too late to come. We'd love to see everyone there!
Powerhouse 5K. The Powerhouse 5K is just around the corner. I'd love to see lots of my students and their families there. You can run or walk. The weather is supposed to be good for the event Saturday.
Grade cards envelopes. These are still needed from: Andy
- Thursday, April 11 at 6:00 - OAA Family Night
- Saturday, April 13 at 7:30 AM - Powerhouse 5K/1K Run/Walk
- "Like" the WPC on Facebook to keep up to date on Parents Club events
-Mr. Pransky
Editing activity
Read your AR book for 15-20 minutes
Social Studies:
Lesson 22 - Thursday, April 11
Quick Links:
Class Blog- frequently used links and daily updates.
Home Connect - check AR reading and Accelerated Math, or practice with Math Facts in a Flash
Infohio - Awesome resource for web research with online encyclopedias for kids among other things (un: infohio pw:power)
Scholastic Book Order - Class Activation Code: F8273
Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade