Congratulations to the students below who have read their way on to Mr. Pransky's AR Hall of Fame. A special acknowledgment to Allison who broke the record for most AR points EVER this year! Below are the top readers over the past 15 years I have been using AR. This is quite an honor to make this list.
- Allison S (2012-13)..................670
- Audrey V. (2010-11...........645
- Davin Dissel (2012-13) .........606
- Isaac W. (2010-11)...........567
- Chip G. (2010-11)...........546
- Gabriella H. (2011-12)...........543
- Zoe H. (2008-09)...........511
- Grace S. (2011-12)...........481
- Brittani P. (2006-07)...........422
- Olivia H. (2008-09)...........402
- Colin K. (2007-08)...........407
- Sarah B. (2002-03)...........396
- Chloe C. (2012-13).......395
- Austin T. (2006-07)...........385
- Julie D. (2000-01)...........377
- Daniel C. (2004-05)...........376
- Brittnie R. (2002-03)...........375
- Abigail F. (2010-11)...........331
- Lucas H. (2010-11)...........319
- Lindsay L. (2000-01)...........312
- Jacob Y.(2006-07)...........303
- Evan F. (2012-13)........302
Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade