The last few days has been a whirlwind of making various recipes for Treat Shop in the Pransky kitchen. After some treat making, a lot of calculation, and of course some taste testing, I do not think we will be able to stretch our supplies enough to make my first idea for treat shop - the chocolate molded Oreos. If anyone has bought any of the Oreo molds already, please let me know and I will reimburse you for the cost. Instead, we will try making "Bugle Bites." (See attached image). I made a batch of them tonight and they meet all of my criteria - they are relatively inexpensive, fun to make, not too messy, tasty, attractive-looking, and we can make a lot of them. A copy of the letter below will go home on Thursday. I thought I would send it via e-mail as well.
November 28, 2012
Dear parent(s),
Each Christmas season fourth graders look forward to participating in Fourth Grade Treat Shop. Treat Shop is the culmination of a unit about entrepreneurship in Social Studies. In this unit, students will get firsthand experience with many of the phases of running a business. On Tuesday, December 11 students will make treats using assembly line-style teamwork. To promote sales, students will also advertise their product to the other grade levels. Then, on Wednesday & Thursday, December 12th & 13th the fourth graders will sell their treats to the other children and staff in the school. Students do not just learn about entrepreneurship. They also learn about giving back to their community. The money raised from this activity are used to purchase Christmas gifts for needy families in the Whitehouse area. For this project to be realized, we need your help. We will need each student to donate an item to use in making the treats.
Please have your child bring in the item marked below on or before Monday, Dec. 10.
We need a donation of:
(Families for that item are listed in parenthesis)
- One - (12 oz) bag of white Candy Melts (ex. Wilton) - not white chocolate chips (Logan, Chloe, Emily, Davin, Hannah, Alex, Evan, Olivia, Hayden, and Andrew)
- One - (7.5 oz or larger) bag of Bugles (original flavor) - (Alexa, JD, Jasmine, Max, and Jordon)
- One - (12 oz or larger) bag of holiday colored M&M's (Andy, Allison, Aiden, Paul, and Kyle)
- One - box of 100 sealable snack size bags (ex. ziplock) (Quinn)
Note: If you would like to donate extra of an item that would be greatly appreciated. We will need more snack size bags, and they are also useful for many things in the classroom as well. We also may need extra Bugles since some may come to school broken.
Thank you in advance for your support with this project.
Mr. Pransky
Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade