We had a great week of learning, responsibility and behavior. Nearly all students were able to play battleball today for their hard work! Way to go!
A reminder that Treat Shop supplies need to be brought in next week or Monday, Dec. 10 at the latest. Thank you for your help with this project.
Midterm progress reports went home today. Please review and cut the bottom of the first page to return to school. These should be returned not later than next Wed. Dec. 5.
Keep in mind that any assignment may be corrected and returned to improve the grade. Even tests can be corrected if the corrected work can show me improved understanding of the concept in some way. If a student earns a D or F on any assignment, I typically expect them to CAR (correct and return) this paper.
- Midterms - signed and returned by Wed. Dec. 5
- Secret Santa - Thursday, December 6 at 2:00
- Treat Shop (make) Tues, Dec. 11
- Treat Shop (buy and sell) Wed. Dec. 12
-Mr. Pransky
Read your AR book for 15-20 minutes each night
AR Goal for Friday, Dec. 7 is 57%
Social Studies:
Lesson 12 Test Thursday
Quick Links:
Class Blog- frequently used links and daily updates.
Home Connect - check AR reading and Accelerated Math, or practice with Math Facts in a Flash
AR Book Find - Do you have a book at home or from another library that you are wondering if it is AR? Look it up here.
Infohio - Awesome resource for web research with online encyclopedias for kids among other things (un: infohio pw:power)
Scholastic Book Order - Class Activation Code: F8273
Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade