We are trying out a new behavior management system in the classroom called class dojo. Part of the fun of class dojo is that the students are allowed to create their own character or avatar. In order for students to do this, they will need to follow the directions below and use the "secret code" that was sent home from school today. If it works well, I may start sending reports home to you so you can see how your child is participating, working, and behaving in class. The website/app is free so I am sure it is in its "beta testing" stages so I thought we'd use it while we can.
-Mr. Pransky
Here's how students can use their secret codes:
If the student does NOT already have a ClassDojo account:
1. Student will visit
2. Student will click the yellow "Create Account" button under "I'm new here"
3. Student will create a username, password, enter their birthday, gender, and enter their email address or their parent's email address (depending on their age). It's crucial that students enter a real email address.
4. Students are prompted to write down their username. If they do not write down their username and forget it, they will not be able to login again.
5. Student will land in their new account and be able to add their secret code to check their progress and create their own avatar :)
If the student does already have a ClassDojo account:
1. Student will visit
2. Student will click the yellow "Login" button under "I Have an Account"
3. Student will enter their username and password to login.
4. Once in their account, student will be able to add their secret code to check their progress and create their own avatar :)
Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade