So far this year we have been studying science process skills. This has included:
- Telling the difference between observations (factual statements using the five statements) and inferences (drawing conclusions)
- Qualitative (using the senses) vs. Quantitative (measurable, numeric) observations
- Identifying characteristics for comparison and contrast - such as telling similarities and differences between a moth and a butterfly
- Classifying objects - using a dichotomous keys to identify living things such as leaves or insects. Students will need to know some basic terms of characteristics used to identify leaves such as simple leaves, compound leaves, toothed or smooth edges, lobed or not lobed, pinnate, palmate, and parallel veins
- Scientific communication - using detailed language that is clear and avoids judgement
- Science Safety - know the basic rules for studying science safely
Students will have their first quiz next week. This quiz is difficult to study for as most of the questions will ask the students to apply what they have learned in this unit. However, your child should have a packet of papers that was completed at school with this unit. These papers will make for a good general review. There is a sample dichotomous key on the back that your child can do for practice as well.
Something that is new for students this year is that they will be taking all of their tests in Science on the computer. We will be using tests I have designed using a course management website called Moodle. These tests will be set-up much like a normal science test (including multiple choice, short answer, and extended response) but with some added features. For one, students can receive immediate feedback about whether the answer is right or wrong and can often get a second chance to answer for half credit. Students will also be allowed the opportunity to retake a test one time to raise a poor grade from a first attempt. Also, because the test is online, I can save paper while including more colorful pictures, maps, and diagrams that students would not be able to see clearly on a photocopied test.
All students have logged into Moodle here at school for practice and are welcome to use it as a resource at home as well. You can view the class Moodle site from home at:
From there students type a username and password for access:
UN: lastname_firstname
PW: 6 digit lunch code
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via a note, phone or e-mail.
Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade
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