Another fun day of learning today!
Today I brought in our family guinea pig, Skittles. We have been learning about guinea pigs by reading encyclopedia articles about guinea pigs and a story called I Love Guinea Pigs in our reading book. For those of you who now have a fourth grader begging you to get them a guinea pig for a pet, all I can say is, "I'm sorry!" :0) For what its worth, I went through that experience when my daughter read this story in fourth grade, too. Three years later, we have now owned 3 guinea pigs!
- No school - Fri., January 18th (Teacher Work day)
- No school - Mon., January 21st (MLK Day)
- Send in your Boxtops if you have any, please.
-Mr. Pransky
Read your AR book for 15-20 minutes each night
AR Goal for Thurs., January 17 is 100%
Social Studies:
AM Practice
Lesson 15 Test Thursday, January 17th
Quick Links:
Class Blog- frequently used links and daily updates.
Home Connect - check AR reading and Accelerated Math, or practice with Math Facts in a Flash
AR Book Find - Do you have a book at home or from another library that you are wondering if it is AR? Look it up here.
Infohio - Awesome resource for web research with online encyclopedias for kids among other things (un: infohio pw:power)
Scholastic Book Order - Class Activation Code: F8273
Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade